
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Duterte threw a dude out of a chopper

Potty-mouth Billy Badbutt Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte earlier this month bragged about personally shooting and killing three men and using a powerful painkiller in excess of a doctor's order.

Now the guy is bragging that he threw a kidnapping suspect from a helicopter . . . and he has no regrets and would do it again. He is the judge, jury and executioner.

Duterte told the story of his vigilante justice at the Camarines Sur provincial capitol. It was his cute way of showing that he really was serious about anti-corruption strategies.

"If you are corrupt, I will fetch you with a helicopter and I will throw you out on the way to Manila," the lunatic leader said. "I have done that before, why should I not do it again?"

Nobody could think of a reason.

Then the madman spoke in explicit details of his actions. He went after a group of kidnapping suspects who allegedly abused a victim even after receiving their requested ransom. He then told of how he ordered the helicopter pilot to fly at a specific altitude--so the splatter of the body wouldn't cause a ruckus on the ground.

He supposedly did the deed when he was the Davao mayor.

Earlier this month, Duterte said he killed three guys "to show to the [police] that if I can do it, why can't you?"

"And I'd go around in Davao with a motorcycle, with a big bike around, and I would just patrol the streets, looking for trouble," the crazy leader said. "I was really looking for a confrontation so I could kill."

Of course, just hours after confessing, a spokesman for the functional schizophrenic Duterte denied that he had killed anyone.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Child dies on Air Canada flight to London

Toronto -- A 10-year-old girl has died since falling ill on a trans-Atlantic Air Canada flight from Toronto-to-London (Flight AC868). 

The flight had to divert to Shannon, Ireland on Saturday after the child suffered a medical problem.

There was a doctor and nurse aboard the plane and they helped the flight crew to assist the girl.

When the plane landed, emergency crews met the aircraft but Air Canada said that local medical authorities pronounced the girl dead.

The flight with 230 passengers continued on to London. 

The Irish Sun said that a post-mortem examination will be performed to determine the cause of death.

The child's nationality has not been immediately confirmed.

Guess who has: Executive Delusional Disorder with Narcissistic Features

There may be a new mental disorder to be considered for the future DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual). It doesn't have a name yet, but perhaps we should call it: "Executive Delusional Disorder with Narcissistic Features."

In order to make the diagnosis, at least 3 of the 6 criteria below must exist.

Some of the diagnostic criteria to consider are: 
1. the individual must be an executive in high office with an inflated sense of self and one's ability to evaluate one's effectiveness in their leadership skills with objective honesty. 
2. an inflated sense of one's own intelligence and the underestimation of the intelligence of others.  
3. the ability to spend inordinate amounts of non-productive time with no sense of guilt that others are suffering or dying as you shoot 147 by the end of the 18th hole.
4. a magnified sense of insight regarding racial issues with concomitant abhorrence toward Caucasians and conservative philosophies.
5. falsely believes that all conservatives are instruments of evil.
6. is chronically confused over the definition of hero and heroism: for example, a person suffering from Executive Delusional Disorder with Narcissistic Features might confuse the idea that a person with Gender Dysphoria Disorder (e.g., a biological man who believes that he is a biological woman, and if he mutilates his genitals in an attempt to physically resemble a woman will actually become a female) would believe that person is a hero rather than being mentally ill. (See Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner.) 
Although Executive Delusional Disorder with Narcissistic Features is somewhat rare, it can be seen in some world leaders, some of whom do not even lead from the front, but stay behind to "lead," which in itself, is a delusion.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

He walked, he talked, he wiggled like a jihadist, but --

Just because he screamed "Allahu Akbar" (Arabic for: Allah is greatest/greater) and knew he was likely going to die; and just because he happened to be a Muslim and used the shahada finger gesture and this was his jihad; and just because he screamed that he was avenging the attacks on Aleppo, was no reason to conclude that the assassin who killed the Russian diplomat in Ankara was motivated by Islam.

At least not to Turkish officials who seem to be getting their cues from Barack Hussein Obama.

Authorities believe he wasn't acting alone, but gee, they cannot figure out what kind of organization was behind the attack. 

So far, they've ruled out the Amish and the Jains, but they haven't ruled out our CIA. 


ISIS has taken credit for the attack, but ISIS would take credit for cow farts if they were lethal to human life. Some probably are.

The assassins, Mevlut Mert Altintas, 22, was a Turkish police officer. A senior Turkish government official described the assassination as "fully professional, not a one-man action" and agreed that it was well-planned.

One speculation is that Altintas was linked to Fethullah Gulen, a religious Muslim cleric living in exile in Pennsylvania. Of course, Gulen denied it, but what choice did he have?

Turkey's pro-government newspaper Yeni Safak had a story saying Karlov's killing was a plot by our CIA and carried out by Gulen's movement. There is no evidence to conclude that, but since when do government rags need proof for the statements they make?

"We have to know who organized the killing, who gave orders to the assassin," Putin said. Once he finds out who, he is not going to pull out a John Kerry index card that reads: "We condemn this action in the strongest possible terms." 

No, what Putin is going to do is kill the people responsible, then kill their pet goats and their camels.

Why Lena Dunham smells socks that smell

Lena Dunham said that she wishes she'd had an abortion to fight the "stigma around this issue." Many people wish her Dunham's mother felt the same way.

"Something I've thought about  a lot is the fact that there is stigma around abortion," she said on her podcast.

Dunham had visited the abortion factory known as Planned Parenthood, where their only plan is how to avoid being a parent. She was asked there by a young girl who told her to join in a project where women share stories of abortion.

"I sort of jumped," Dunham giggled. "'I haven't had an abortion,' I told her. I wanted to make it really clear to her that as much as I was going out and fighting for other women's options, I myself had never had an abortion."

"Even I, the woman who cares as much as anybody about a woman's right to choose, felt it was important that people know I was unblemished in this department," she said, adding, "Now I can say that I still haven't had an abortion, but I wish I had."

The idea that this idiot would say that she wishes she had the chance to end the life of an infant disgusts me, as it disgusted many on Twitter who saw her statement. 

Ronald Reagan said it best: "I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born."

Lena Dunham is despicable. 

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Trudeau is skating backwards

Ottawa -- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's approval rating is heading south over the past three months as reality hits home. The economy is terrible and concerns over the pipeline approvals are eating away at "Pretty Boy's" positive numbers, an opinion poll released on Friday showed.

On a positive note, however, he smells nice, has a pleasant smile, and 55 percent of Canadians continue to express undeserved confidence in his performance, according to the Angus Reid poll. 

He also is a lot more popular than his two political opponents and more popular than any recent PM, in spite of having gone from 65 percent to 55 percent approval.

"While this level of approval may well be the envy of prime ministers past and future, it also represents the lowest approval he has recorded at any point since his Liberal Party won a majority mandate in last October's election," the poll said.

I believe that it's all a matter of giving Mr. Trudeau more time for us to see a significant change in his approval ratings.

He has just started in office and I'm confident that by the end of next year, his approval numbers will be around the upper 30's or lower 40's as his liberal, Obama-esque governing style will erode the public's confidence in his ability to lead, keep Canada safe, and 'make Canada great again.' 

Trudeau's drop in popularity was matched by a slide in voter satisfaction on issues such as the economy, foreign policy, healthcare and public security, according to the poll.

In other words, he appears to be "doing an Obama" when it comes to our borders and vetting of refugees, and it is probably going to cost him, as it will cost us, in the future.

Friday, December 16, 2016

The Trump-haters exit to Canada

Not one promise was kept. They all lied to the American people and now Canada can breathe a sigh of relief.

Before the US presidential election, boat-loads of  Hollywood celebrities promised that if Donald Trump ever won the election, they would relocate in Canada.

Well, he won; they lied. 

Not one of them kept to their promise--which doesn't surprise many conservatives--we know that many of them lie even when they say "good morning," so why is this any different?

But some liberals did leave the US and relocated to Canada. Hopefully, Canada will be able to accommodate the ex-patriots who now will make the cold north their "safe zone."

Canada's immigration services has been inundated with as many as 28 requests for Trump-related refugee status. Not a single one came from Hollywood despite all the promises.

Canadian officials say there was a "bump" in requests for refugee status following Trump's dramatic win over the US former Worst Lady, Hillary Clinton, or at least they say there seemed to be a bump (of as the French Canadians call it, a "boomp") in November, which immigration lawyers say is due from political change.

"The rhetoric coming from (U.S. political) discussion . . . was filled with a lot of concerning language, including hate, exclusion, deportation," one Canadian lawyer said to Canadian state news. "I could see why people would be concerned for their own safety, their own lives, and evaluate whether they could live (there)."

Yes, come January 20th, the United States of America is expected to become the Untied States of America. People will die. A wall will keep out undocumented people coming to the US illegally from Mexico and Muslims will be extremely vetted.

Of the 28 leftist snowflakes who have applied for refugee status, it's possible none will be approved because Canada is generally thought to be slow at taking in seriously mentally ill people who will evidently complain about anything that doesn't go their way.

The CBC found only two successful claims for asylum out of hundreds of cases filed from the U.S. since 2010.

If you are not fleeing an unjust war, or fleeing actual threat of death, Canada will probably decline your stupid request. 

Fleeing what you consider an unjust election because your screaming shrew didn't win, doesn't count.

And did it ever occur to you that maybe Canada doesn't want you? Canada has enough snowflakes.

Why Canada should teach sales

In Canada, salesmen, saleswomen, sales rep and just plane salespeople are generally viewed as the enemy. 

Yes, even the word 'sales' can be an expletive for Canadians that brings images to mind of an oily-hair used car salesman rubbing his hands together and tweaking his mustache as you approach the lot, ready to get you to spend more than you want on a clunker that he was told to "push."

It has been so difficult for reputable companies to attract good sales staff that they don't even advertise using that word. For example, they might put an ad out for a "business development representative" or "account manager."

Any company that wants to survive needs to understand that sales is its lifeblood and the sales staff is the heart. There would be no income, no business and no profit without sales, hence, there would be no jobs.

Sadly enough, in spite of what Canadian companies know about the importance of sales, the art of sales is rarely taught in a formal educational environment. Look at any MBA program of major business schools and you will see that sales, per se, is generally relegated to a single course in sales management or it's embedded with marketing . . . which is not sales.

A good salesperson is like a psychotherapist. That is, good listening is crucial along with the ability to understand, sense and react to the customer's concerns and needs. It requires empathy and emotional intelligence, and knowing your customer intimately regarding their specific needs.

Selling is connecting the value a company can deliver to their customer's needs and desires and being aware that buying something is not a simple factual decision; it's an emotional one. It is driven by two main motivators: pain and gain.

Solve the customer's problem (pain) or give them the benefit they are looking for (gain).

Selling requires you develop a level of trust with your customer so they know you're looking out for their best interest. If you only care about your commission, you might sell to them--once.

Canadians need to change their negative mindset regarding sales. Skills you use to sell something are critical life skills and should be taught in schools, in spite of the fact that some people are just natural salespeople .  .   .  such as my wife.

What my wife has, in addition to everything mentioned above, is total honesty, and her customers know that of at least can sense it. 

If a price goes down after the purchase is made, there is a 30-day price guarantee, and she will call the customer to have them come back in for a refund. She loses a little money for that sale but gains a customer for life along with referrals.

Obviously, another very important aspect of being a great salesperson is totally knowing and honestly liking your product. 

A good sales team can change the way people view sales and in time it will help support Canadian companies to find new business and secure access to new markets.

There is frustration among small to mid-size businesses with their endless search for good salespeople and it's a recurring problem in our economic landscape even in spite of our low Canadian dollar. 

We need to better understand cultural subtleties and navigate between cultures, such as Asia, Africa and Latin America--all countries where relationships must precede business deals.

We also need to be more assertive because we constantly face aggressive competition from the US, China and Germany, as well as other nations. We only have 5% of local businesses exporting.

Sales is not a low-grade profession; it can be a rewarding, enriching career and put people at the top of the economic rung on the ladder. We need to have salespeople who sell like Canadians play hockey--hard into the corner, elbows flying and coming out with the puck.

Then afterward, we can be polite Canadians.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Lisa Edelstein has no soul

Another insensitive, tasteless and low-class liberal, Lisa Edelstein, is being slammed for tweeting about the death of star Alan Thicke. It seems that liberals have to make everything political because they can't carry on a normal conversation.

Alan died too young, only 69-year-old, while playing hockey with his son. Hockey was Alan Thicke's national game because he was a Canadian.

But Edelstein had to do her best at being witty and she came off as unfunny and disgusting.

"RIP Alan Thicke. Seems like everyone is checking out before the Trumpacolypse," the mental midget tweeted.

Normal people did not react the way she hoped they would.

One of her followers called her post "soulless" and another wrote "@LisaEdelstein wow very classy. You should be ashamed of yourself."

@LisaEdelstein 1) he was Canadian. 2) A family lost a husband and a father. This is NOT the time for politics.
@LisaEdelstein Absolutely insensitive and unnecessary. Someone's father, husband & grandfather died today. Do not politicise it.

Let's hope Edelstein goes away, out of the public eye, off of Twitter. People like her are bad karma. 

Sadly, however, I suspect plenty of liberals will cheer her message.

Illegal marijuana joints set to open Thursday

Montreal -- A Canadian chain of recreational marijuana dispensaries are set to open Thursday across the city and the mayor has vowed "zero tolerance."

Cannabis Culture, a Canadian chain of recreational pot dispensaries is co-owned by Marc and Jodie Emery, and has locations in Ontario and British Columbia, man.

The Emerys are, in effect, saying 'screw it--we're bringing our shops into Montreal and we don't really care that it's currently against federal law to sell recreational marijuana in Canada.' They're just now actually saying it.

The federal government is expected to table legislation legalizing cannabis in the spring.

The Emerys plan to open ten shops in Montreal by the end of this month, and eight of those are to open Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Stoned Time. The other two locations are slated to open at the end of December but the locations haven't yet been disclosed.

Cannabis Culture has experienced run-ins with law enforcement in the past. A number of their dispensaries were raided by police in Ontario. Employees were charged with possession of a controlled substance, possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking and possession of proceeds of property obtained by crime.

But this Justin, Trudeau kind of digs pot. And Cannabis Culture is doing so well that they provide legal representation if you get busted and charged.

Right now we don't know what the Montreal police are going to do once the stores open but a spokesman for the law said that they will intervene when there are violations of the law that governs drugs and other substances.

That means they will intervene if the shops open and have cannabis on the premises.

But we'll see, eh.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

This Justin

Being that this is my first posting on Canadian Brain Flushings, I thought I'd go right to the top of Canadian government and write about our new liberal Prime Minister, Justin "Pretty Boy" Trudeau. 

Trudeau told the House of Commons Tuesday that the main reason he attends those posh fundraisers thrown by the Pierre Trudeau Foundation isn't for his benefit, it's to "create economic growth for the middle class." 

Yes, the common folk. 

Justin renounced his official position of the Foundation when he became the leader of the Liberal Party, but admitted he allowed fundraiser attendees to lobby him there, which is a clear violation of Liberal Party bylaws.

Shades of Hillary Clinton.

And like US liberals, Trudeau had nothing but nice things to say about Cuba's Castro dictators, two guys who killed thousands upon thousands of Cubans, and impoverished the Communist island nation. The Liberal Party approval has dropped nine percentage points to Trudeau's credit.

After being confronted by Conservative Party leader Rona Ambrose in the House of Commons, Trudeau said that his presence at the fundraisers was a ploy to defend middle class interests.

"When did money become more important than the integrity of his office?" Ambrose asked.

"No matter where I am or who I am talking to I always talk about the same thing: The fact that our priorities are to create economic growth for the middle class," he answered, then denied any involvement in the foundation in spite of having attended questionable foundation fundraisers.

One fun fundraiser cost $1500 an entry and was attended by Chinese Communist millionaires. They all donated to the Trudeau Foundation soon after partying with Justin. After some time, Justin visited China and, the "human rights" dude that he is, he simply forgot to criticise the nation on their horrible human rights record.

Instead, Justin "did an Obama" and criticised his own country in Hong Kong where he "talked about the fact that Canada is not immune to criticisms on human rights either" with Chinese Communist leaders.

He previously bragged about his ability to get Chinese business leaders to deal with Canada. He said, on the same Hong Kong trip where he criticised our human rights record, "We needed to renew and deepen the relationship between the people of Canada and people of China for the long term and I think it's safe to say we have accomplished just that."

Highly suspicious donations were found by the National Post after Trudeau rose to the head of the Liberal Party in 2013:
Donations went from $172,211 in fiscal 2014 to $731,753 in fiscal 2016. From 2008 to 2013, the Trudeau Foundation had no (zero, zip, nada) foreign donations, but it brought in $53,000 in fiscal 2014 and jumped to $535,000 in fiscal 2016.
When these donations were discovered, it was then the Trudeau acknowledged that he has been lobbied at these fundraisers and engaged in unauthorized political discussions with donors.

The bylaws of the Liberal Party are very clear: "Fundraising events are partisan functions where we do not discuss government business." It also states that "any individual who wishes to initiate a policy discussion is immediately directed to instead make an appointment with the relevant office."