
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Trudeau is skating backwards

Ottawa -- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's approval rating is heading south over the past three months as reality hits home. The economy is terrible and concerns over the pipeline approvals are eating away at "Pretty Boy's" positive numbers, an opinion poll released on Friday showed.

On a positive note, however, he smells nice, has a pleasant smile, and 55 percent of Canadians continue to express undeserved confidence in his performance, according to the Angus Reid poll. 

He also is a lot more popular than his two political opponents and more popular than any recent PM, in spite of having gone from 65 percent to 55 percent approval.

"While this level of approval may well be the envy of prime ministers past and future, it also represents the lowest approval he has recorded at any point since his Liberal Party won a majority mandate in last October's election," the poll said.

I believe that it's all a matter of giving Mr. Trudeau more time for us to see a significant change in his approval ratings.

He has just started in office and I'm confident that by the end of next year, his approval numbers will be around the upper 30's or lower 40's as his liberal, Obama-esque governing style will erode the public's confidence in his ability to lead, keep Canada safe, and 'make Canada great again.' 

Trudeau's drop in popularity was matched by a slide in voter satisfaction on issues such as the economy, foreign policy, healthcare and public security, according to the poll.

In other words, he appears to be "doing an Obama" when it comes to our borders and vetting of refugees, and it is probably going to cost him, as it will cost us, in the future.

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